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Nastupno predavanje: Phonon dynamics and electron-phonon coupling in layered two-dimensional materials Dr. sc. Dino Novko
Institut za fiziku, Zagreb
23/07/2024/ at 11:00h
Institute of Physics, 1st wing lecture room & Zoom

In this talk I will review some of my recent attempts to investigate the role of phonon dynamics and electron-phonon interactions in various novel two-dimensional materials in and out of equilibrium. In the first part of the presentation, I will show our theoretical results on the charge-density-wave (CDW) state in the single layer TiSe2. The underlying mechanism of the CDW transition is highly controversial, and the proposed scenarios range from purely electron to purely phonon driven. I will show that strong electron-phonon fluctuations lead to drastic modifications of the electronic structure of TiSe2 near the CDW transition, explaining some of the experimental observations. Further, some novel insights on the light-matter interaction and plasmon dynamics will be given across the CDW phase transition in TiSe2. I will also discuss the strength of the excitonic effects and its role in the CDW formation. In the second part of my talk, I will outline our efforts to understand the superconductivity in the electron-doped MoS2, where the Tc – doping phase diagram is characterized with a dome structure. Our results show several interesting structural phase transitions that could explain the unusual behavior of Tc. The third part of the talk will review our studies on electron thermalization and phonon dynamics induced by the laser excitations. Within this part, I will present the numerically tractable methodologies suitable for simulating ultrafast conditions and the corresponding results on nonadiabatic phonon renormalization in the photo-excited MoS2 and graphene. As a final part of the presentation, I will lay out my future research and funding plans.


Nastupno predavanje će se održati u predavaonici u 1. krilu Instituta za fiziku.

Predavanje ćete moći pratiti i putem Zoom-a:

Meeting ID: 838 9438 9020
Passcode: 965123
Predsjednik Znanstvenog vijeća Instituta za fiziku
dr. sc. Damir Starešinić
IF Ⓒ 2017