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Seminar: Quantum optics with atoms inside optical cavities Dr. Claudiu Genes
Head of Quantum Cooperative Phenomena group, Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts, Erlangen
17/12/2024/ at 14:00h
Institute of Physics, 1st wing lecture room & Zoom

Optical cavities are useful in enhancing the interaction of atoms with localized electromagnetic fields fulfilling the resonance condition imposed by the choice of cavity length. A variety of models can be realized in this scenario, among which I will discuss two particular cases: i) the collective Purcell regime and ii) cavity Dicke superradiance.

In the first case I will report on results [2] investigating the possibility of center-of-mass cooling by using the collective coupling of many closed or open two-level electronic systems to a single cavity mode, in the so-called “bad-cavity” regime, where cavity losses dominate.

In the second case, in the same “bad-cavity” limit, one can show that an ensemble of static two-level system can be forced to undergo collective Dicke superradiance. In this case, I will show a few ways of deriving a full analytical solution of the time dynamics of density operator of the system [1].

[1] R. Holzinger and C. Genes, An exact analytical solution for Dicke superradiance, arXiv:2409.19040, (2024).

[2] J. Lyne, N. S. Bassler, S. Park, G. Pupillo and C. Genes, Purcell modified Doppler cooling of quantum emitters inside optical cavities, Phys. Rev. A 110, 013115 (2024).

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Meeting ID: 508 144 0931

Seminar hostsNeven Šantić i Matija Čulo

IF Ⓒ 2017