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According to the Act on the Protection of Reporters of Irregularities (“Zakon o zaštiti prijavitelja nepravilnosti”, NN no. 17/19), irregularities are violations of laws and other regulations and negligent management of public goods, public funds and European Union funds that endanger the public interest, and which are related to performing work with a particular employer.
The procedure for internal reporting of irregularities at the Institute is regulated by the Institute’s act “Pravilnik o postupku unutarnjeg prijavljivanja nepravilnosti i imenovanju povjerljive osobe Instituta za fiziku“.
The procedure of internal reporting of irregularities begins with the submission of the report to the confidential person / deputy in charge of reporting irregularities.
Contact information:
Confidential person:
Dr. sc. Nikolina Novosel
Telephone: +385 (0) 1 4698 883/ 469 8920
Deputy Confidential Person:
Gordan Karlić
Telephone: +385 (0) 1 469 8814
An irregularity can be reported via the irregularity reporting form.