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Contrast Dysl
Vedran Brusar
position Assistants — Mentor: dr. Silvije Vdović
e-mail vbrusar
office number III-136
office phone +385 1 469 8902     local:202
laboratory phone +385 1 3300 197
int. 127
CV (pdf - 0.05 MB)

Scientific projects - associate

Novi katalitički materijali za proizvodnju zelenog vodika

Fond za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost
14.12.2023. - 30.06.2025.
Leader: Vesna Mikšić Trontl
Silvije Vdović
Associates: Mario Rakić, Vedran Brusar
Research areas: Solid state physics, Surface physics



Ivan Ljubić, Igor Sviben, Vedran Brusar, Katarina Zlatić, Silvije Vdović, Nikola BasarićCompeting Photocleavage on Boron and at the meso-Position in BODIPY Photocages
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 90, 1, 259–274 (2025)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.4c02226 20241219


Rafaela Radičić, Andrea Jurov, Janez Zavašnik, Janez Kovač, Vedran Brusar, Silvije Vdović, Dino Novko, Nikša KrstulovićUV and solar-driven photocatalysis of organic dyes using ZnO-Ag heterojunction nanoparticles synthesized by one-step laser synthesis in water
Applied Surface Science 669 (2024) 160498
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.160498 20240607


V. Brusar, M. Forjan, I. Ljubić, M. Alešković, K. Becker and S. VdovićUltrafast Photoelimination of Nitrogen from Upper Excited States of Diazoalkanes and the Fate of Carbenes Formed in the Reaction
J. Org.Chem. 2023, 88, 7, 4286–4300
DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.2c02875 20230321

Completed scientific projects - associate

Group for Applied ultrafast Spectroscopy and Photochemical Identification

01.03.2018. - 28.02.2023.
Leader: Silvije Vdović
Associates: Mario Rakić, Damir Dominko, Mateo Forjan, Vedran Brusar, mag.appl.chem. Antonija Husak (IRB)
Research areas: Atomic and molecular physics

IF Ⓒ 2017