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Josip Jakovac
position Assistants —
e-mail jjakovac
office number III -139
office phone +385 1 469 8852     local:152



Mišković, ZL; Moshayedi, M; Rivas, MRP; Jakovac, J; Radović, I; Despoja, VModeling of the interband transitions in the optical conductivity of doped two-dimensional materials in the terahertz to the infrared frequency range: the case studies of graphene and phosphorene
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 178(1–2), 54–71 (2023)
DOI: 10.1080/10420150.2023.2186870 20230507


Marušić, Leonardo ; Kalinić, Ana ; Radović, Ivan ; Jakovac, Josip ; Mišković, Zoran L. ; Despoja, VitoResolving the Mechanism of Acoustic Plasmon Instability in Graphene Doped by Alkali Metals
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (1422-0067) 23 (2022), 9; 4770, 16
DOI: 10.3390/ijms23094770 20220426


Josip Jakovac, Leonardo Marušić , Denise Andrade-Guevara, Julio C. Chacón-Torres and Vito DespojaInfra-Red Active Dirac Plasmon Serie in Potassium Doped-Graphene (KC8) Nanoribbons Array on Al2O3 Substrate
Materials 14, 4256, (2021)
DOI: 10.3390/ma14154256 20210730


Vito Despoja, Josip Jakovac, Neven Golenić and Leonardo Marušić Bias-controlled plasmon switching in lithium-doped graphene on dielectric model Al2O3 substrate
npj 2D Materials and Applications 4, 19 (2020).
DOI: 10.1038/s41699-020-0151-1 20200706

Completed scientific projects - associate

Plazmoni i eksiton-polaritoni u kvazi-2D kristalima (2DPlasEx)

HrZZ - IP-2020-02-5556
01.02.2021. - 31.01.2025.
Leader: Vito Despoja
Associates: Dino Novko, Josip Jakovac
Research areas: Solid state physics

IF Ⓒ 2017