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Nataša Vujičić
position Senior research associates
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Scientific projects - associate

Nanoscale interaction of light and atomically thin structures

HrZZ - IP-2022-10-4724
01.02.2024. - 31.01.2028.
Leader: Marko Kralj
Associates: Iva Šrut Rakić, Marin Petrović, Nataša Vujičić, Ana Senkić, Sabina Špoljar, Christian Teichert (Universität Leoben), Marko Spasenović (IHTM Beograd)
Research areas: Solid state physics, Surface physics



Laura Nuić, Ana Senkić, Željka Car, Ena Asić, Nataša Vujičić, Marko Kralj, Ivana BiljanDisulfide-Containing Nitrosoarenes: Synthesis and Insights into Their Self-Polymerization on a Gold Surface
Langmuir 2025, 41, 5, 3066–3077
DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c03274 20241209


Jovana Z Jelić, Marta Bukumira, Aleksa Denčevski, Ana Senkić, Livio Žužić, Borna Radatović, Nataša Vujičić, Tanja Pajić, Mihailo D Rabasović, Aleksandar J KrmpotApplication of the Knife-Edge Technique on Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers for Resolution Assessment of Nonlinear Microscopy Modalities
Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 30, Issue 4, Pages 671–680
DOI: 10.1093/mam/ozae061 20240712


B. Radatović, O. Çakiroğlu, V. Jadriško, R. Frisenda, A. Senkić, N. Vujičić, M. Kralj, M. PetrovićStrain-enhanced large-area monolayer MoS2 photodetectors
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 16, 15596 (2024)
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c00458 20240318


A. Senkić, A. Supina, M. Akturk, Ch. Gadermaier, M. Maiuri, G. Cerullo, N. VujičićMicroscopic Investigation of Intrinsic Defects in CVD Grown MoS2 monolayer
Nanotechnology 34, 475705 (2023)
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/acf29b 20230906


A. Senkić, J.Bajo, A. Supina, B. Radatović and N. VujičićEffects of CVD growth parameters on global and local optical properties of MoS2 monolayers
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 296, 127185 (2023)
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2022.127185 20230215


V. Jadriško, B. Radatović, B. Pielić, C. Gadermaier, M. Kralj and N. VujičićStructural and optical characterization of nanometer sized MoS2/graphene heterostructures for potential use in optoelectronic devices
FlatChem 2022, 34, 100397
DOI: 10.1016/j.flatc.2022.100397 20220621


Borna Radatović, Valentino Jadriško, Sherif Kamal, Marko Kralj, Dino Novko, Nataša Vujičić, and Marin PetrovićMacroscopic single-phase monolayer borophene on arbitrary substrates
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 18, 21727-21737, (2022)
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c03678 20220502


Borna Pielić*, Dino Novko, Iva Šrut Rakić, Jiaqi Cai, Marin Petrović, Robin Ohmann, Nataša Vujičić, Mario Basletić, Carsten Busse*, and Marko KraljElectronic Structure of Quasi-Freestanding WS2/MoS2 Heterostructures
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 42, 50552–50563 ( 2021)
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c15412 20211018


S. Vdović, N. Vujičić2018 Nobel Prize in Physics - Tools Made of Light, 'Optical Tweezers', and Manipulation of Laser Pulses
Kem. Ind. 67 (11-12) (2018)
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I. Delač Marion, D. Čapeta, B. Pielić, F. Faraguna, A. Gallardo, P. Pou, B. Biel, N. Vujičić, and M. KraljAtomic-scale defects and electronic properties of a transferred synthesized MoS2 monolayer
Nanotechnology 29, 305703 (2018)
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aac27d 20180522


N. Saigal, I. Wielert, D. Čapeta, N. Vujičić, B.V. Senkovskiy, M. Hell, M. Kralj, and A. GrüneisEffect of lithium doping on the optical properties of monolayer MoS2
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 121902 (5pp) (2018)
DOI: 10.1063/1.5021629 20180320


V. Vega-Mayoral, D. Vella, T. Borzda, M. Prijatelj, I. Tempra, E. A. A. Pogna, S. Dal Conte, P. Topolovsek, N. Vujicic, G. Cerullo, D. Mihailovic, and C. GadermaierExciton and charge carrier dynamics in few-layer WS2
Nanoscale 8, 5428 (7pp) (2016)
DOI: 10.1039/C5NR08384B 20160208


D. Vella, V. Vega-Mayoral, C. Gadermaier, N. Vujicic, T. Borzda, P. Topolovsek, M. Prijatelj, I. Tempra, E. A. A. Pogna, and G. CerulloFemtosecond spectroscopy on MoS2 flakes from liquid exfoliation: surfactant independent exciton dynamics
J. Nanophoton. 10 (1), 012508 (8pp) (2016)
DOI: 10.1117/1.JNP.10.012508 20160101


T. Borzda, C. Gadermaier, N. Vujičić, P. Topolovšek, M. Borovšak, T. Mertelj, D. Viola, C. Manzoni, E. A. A. Pogna, D. Brida, M. R. Antagnazza, F. Scotognella, G. Lanzani, G. Cerullo, and D. MihailovićCharge photogeneration in few-layer MoS2
Adv. Funct. Mater. 25 , 3351 (8pp) (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201500709 20150801

A. Pogrebna, T. Mertelj, N. Vujičić, G. Cao, Z. A. Xu, and D. MihailovicCoexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in iron based pnictides: a time resolved magnetooptical study
Sci Rep 5, 7754 (7pp) (2015)
DOI: 10.1038/srep07754 20150101

T. Mertelj, N. Vujičić, T. Borzda, I. Vaskivskyi, A. Pogrebna, and D. MihailovićMultichannel photodiode detector for ultrafast optical spectroscopy
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 (12), 123111 (4pp) (2014)
DOI: 10.1063/1.4903871 20141215

A. Pogrebna, N. Vujičić, T. Mertelj, T. Borzda, G. Cao, Z.A. Xu, J.-H. Chu, I.R. Fisher, and D. MihailovicSpectrally resolved femtosecond reflectivity relaxation dynamics in undoped spin-density wave 122-structure iron-based pnictides
Phys. Rev. B 89 (16), 165131 (2014)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.165131 20140424

N. Vujičić, G. Kregar, T. Ban, D. Aumiler, G. PichlerFrequency comb polarization spectroscopy of multilevel rubidium atoms
Eur. Phys. J. D 68 (9), 1-8 (2014)
DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2013-40577-3 20140123

N. Vujičić, T. Ban, G. Kregar, D. Aumiler, and G. PichlerVelocity-selective double resonance in Doppler-broadened rubidium vapor
Phys. Rev. A 87, 013438 (7pp) (2013)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.013438 20130131

M. Rakić, E. Klarić, N. Vujičić, H. Skenderović, Z. Tarle, G. PichlerTeeth whitening device with real time monitoring of whitening process
patentna prijava PCT/HR2013/000030, 2013

Completed scientific projects - leader

Photoexcitations in 2D semicondictors

01.03.2018. - 28.02.2023.
Leader: Nataša Vujičić
Associates: Valentino Jadriško, Borna Pielić, Ana Senkić, Luca Moretti (Department of Physics, Politechnico di Milano)
Research areas: Surface physics, Atomic and molecular physics

Growth and characterization of functional 2D materials based on graphene and dichalcogenides

MZOS-Slovenija, bilateralni projekt
01.04.2016. - 31.12.2017.
Leader: Nataša Vujičić
Associates: Marko Kralj, Iva Šrut Rakić, Damir Aumiler, Davor Čapeta, Tomaž Mertelj*, Jure Strle*, Christoph Gadermeier*, Tetiana Borzda*, Miloš Borovšak*, *Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana
Research areas: Surface physics

Completed scientific projects - associate

The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures — LASERLAB-EUROPE

European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 871124
01.12.2019. - 30.11.2023.
Leader: Damir Aumiler
Associates: Ticijana Ban, Antonio Šiber, Nataša Vujičić, Tomislav Vuletić, Nikša Krstulović, Hrvoje Skenderović, Silvije Vdović, Slobodan Milošević, Damir Dominko, Vesna Mikšić Trontl, Dino Novko, Marin Petrović, Marko Kralj

Centre for Advanced Laser Techniques - CALT

EU strukturni fondovi- Operativni program Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014. – 2020., KK.
01.08.2017. - 30.07.2023.
Leader: Damir Aumiler
Associates: Ticijana Ban, Nikša Krstulović, Marko Kralj, Hrvoje Skenderović, Nataša Vujičić, Silvije Vdović, Slobodan Milošević, Tomislav Vuletić, Antonio Šiber, Damir Dominko, Vito Despoja, Vesna Mikšić Trontl, Dino Novko, Marin Petrović, Goran Zgrablić, Ivana Puljić, Petar Pervan

Zvijezda je rođena 2017

16.06.2017. - 15.06.2018.
Leader: Berti Erjavec
Associates: Nazif Demoli, Marko Kralj, Nataša Vujičić, Slobodan Milošević, Dean Popović, Danijel Grgičin, Bernarda Mlinarić*, Ines Dukić*, Marko Movre*, Mihaela Marceljak Ilić*, XV. Gimnazija, Zagreb

Optical Properties of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures

HrZZ - IP-2016-06-3211
01.03.2017. - 30.09.2021.
Leader: Marko Kralj
Associates: Nataša Vujičić, Iva Šrut Rakić, Borna Pielić, Davor Čapeta, Sheikh Muhammad Obaidulla
Research areas: Solid state physics, Surface physics

Zvijezda je rođena 2016

05.09.2016. - 15.06.2017.
Leader: Berti Erjavec
Associates: Nazif Demoli, Slobodan Milošević, Marijan Bišćan, Marko Kralj, Nataša Vujičić, Marko Movre*, Bernarda Mlinarić*, Mihaela Marceljak Ilić*, Ines Dukić*, *XV. gimnazija, Zagreb

Large-scale synthesis and characterization of novel 2D materials

Kina-MZOS, bilateralni projekt
01.09.2015. - 01.09.2017.
Leader: Marko Kralj
Associates: Marin Petrović, Iva Šrut Rakić, Nataša Vujičić, Davor Čapeta, Bin Wu*, Junqi Liu*, Wei Guo*, Li Yongtao*, *Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research areas: Surface physics, Solid state physics

Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Sensing Devices,
Research unit: Science of Graphene and Related 2D Structures

MZOS / EU strukturni fondovi
10.11.2014. - 01.12.2023.
Leader: Marko Kralj
Associates: Damir Aumiler, Ticijana Ban, Antonio Šiber, Nataša Vujičić, Tomislav Vuletić, Borna Pielić, Valentino Jadriško, Iva Šrut Rakić, Marin Petrović, Borna Radatović, Dino Novko, Manisha Chhikara, Antonio Supina, Ida Delač, Antun Lovro Brkić, Sheikh Muhammad Obaidulla, Sherif Kamal, Ana Senkić, Šimun Mandić, Iva Bogdanović Radović (IRB), Hrvoje Buljan (PMF), Maja Buljan (IRB), Andreja Gajović (IRB), Ivan Halasz (IRB), Predrag Lazić (IRB)
Research areas: Surface physics, Solid state physics, Biological physics, Atomic and molecular physics

Femtosekundna laserska spektroskopija i ultrahladne molekule

MZT (0035002)
01.01.2002. - 31.12.2006.
Leader: Goran Pichler
Associates: Hrvoje Skenderović, Ticijana Ban, Damir Aumiler, Silvije Vdović, Nataša Vujičić
Research areas: Atomic and molecular physics

IF Ⓒ 2017