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Ana Smontara
position Senior scientists (permanent)
U mirovini od 1.1.2015.
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P. Popčević, I. Batistić, A. Smontara, K. Velebit, J. Jaćimović, I. Živković, N. Tsyrulin, J. Piatek, H. Berger, A. Sidorenko, H. Rønnow, L. Forró , N. Barišić, and E. Tutiš Electronic transport and magnetism in the alternating stack of metallic and highly frustrated magnetic layers in Co1/3NbS2,
Physical Review B (2023) 107, 235149
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.235149 20230629


Marija Zorić, Naveen Singh Dhami, Kristian Bader, Peter Gille, Ana Smontara, Petar PopčevićNegative magnetoesistance in hopping regime of lightly doped thermoelectric SnSe
Materials (2023) 16(7) ,2863
DOI: 10.3390/ma16072863 20230404


Ž. Hanjš, P. Popčević, A. Smontara, V. ŽupanovićSedamdeset godina Matematičko-fizičkog lista
Matematičko fizički list , 71 , 282, (2020)
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J. Jacimovic, P. Popcevic, A. Arakcheeva, P. Pattison, A. Pisoni, S. Katrych, K. Prsa, H. Berger, A. Smontara, L. Forró The influence of the incommensurately modulated structure on the physical properties of Fe1.35Ge
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 794 (2019) 108-113
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.04.159 20190424

M. Wencka, M. Hahne, A. Kocjan, S. Vrtnik, P. Koželj, D. Korže, Z. Jagličić, M. Sorić, P. Popčević, J. Ivkov, A. Smontara, P. Gille, S. Jurga, P. Tomeš, S. Paschen, A. Ormeci, M. Armbrüster, Y. Grin, and J. DolinšekPhysical properties of the InPd intermetallic catalyst
Intermetallics 55, 56-65 (2014)
DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2014.07.007 20140710

A. Smontara and J. HerakDavor Pavuna : life in physics with a guitar
in Ugledni hrvatski znanstvenici u svijetu = Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World, 7. dio, edited by Janko Herak (Hrvatsko-američko društvo, Zagreb, 2014) pp. 26 – 38, pp. 154 -166

S. Jazbec, S. Vrtnik, Z. Jagličić, S. Kashimoto, J. Ivkov, P. Popčević, A. Smontara, Hae Jin Kim, Jin Gyu Kim, and J. DolinšekElectronic density of states and metastability of icosahedral Au-Al-Yb quasicrystal
J. Alloy Compd. 586, 343-348 (2014)
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.10.073 20140101

P. Popčević, A. Bilušić, K. Velebit, and A. SmontaraThermal transport properties of decagonal quasicrystals and their approximants
in Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1517, (7pp) (2013)
DOI: 10.1557/opl.2012.1756 20130605

N. Barišić, M. K. Chan, Y. Li, G. Yu, X. Zhao, M. Dressel, A. Smontara, and M. GrevenUniversal sheet resistance and revised phase diagram of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110, 12235-12240 (2013)
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1301989110 20130131

A. Smontara, editor C-MAC days 2014: proceedings
(Institute of Physics, Zagreb, 2014)
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Completed scientific projects - leader

Fizikalna svojstva kompleksnih intermetalika baziranih na aluminiju

Hrvatsko-slovenski bilateralni projekt
01.01.2009. - 31.12.2010.
Leader: Ana Smontara
Associates: Petar Popčević, J. Dolinšek, Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Research areas: Solid state physics

Transport topline i naboja u jako frustriranim magnetima i srodnim materijalima

MZOS - 035-0352826-2848
01.01.2007. - 31.12.2014.
Leader: Ana Smontara
Associates: Petar Popčević
Research areas: Solid state physics

Kompleksni metalni spojevi

01.01.2007. - 31.12.2008.
Leader: Ana Smontara
Associates: Petar Popčević
Research areas: Solid state physics

Thermal transport and magnetic properties in highly frustrated magnet

Swiss-Croatian Joint Research Project SCOPES IB7320-111044
01.01.2006. - 31.12.2008.
Leader: Ana Smontara
Associates: Eduard Tutiš, Jagoda Lukatela, Laslo Forro, Institut de la Physique de la Matiere Complexe, EPFL, Lausanne, Švicarska
Research areas: Solid state physics

Ispitivanje novih kompleksnih metalnih spojeva i kvazikristala

MZOŠ, HR-SLO bilateralni projekt
01.01.2005. - 31.12.2006.
Leader: Ana Smontara
Associates: J. Dolinšek (voditelj), Institut J. Stefan, i Fakultet za matematiku i fiziku Sveučilišta u Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenija, Jagoda Lukatela
Research areas: Solid state physics

Complex metallic aloys (CMA )

Network of Excellence (NoE) (NMP3-CT-2005-500140)
01.01.2005. - 31.12.2009.
Leader: Ana Smontara
Research areas: Solid state physics

Proizvodnja i ispitivanje novih kvazikristala

MZT u okviru bilateralne suradnje RH i R Slovenije
01.01.2003. - 31.12.2004.
Leader: Ana Smontara
Associates: Prof. Janez Dolinšek, Institut J. Stefan, Odsek za fiziko trdesnovi, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Research areas: Solid state physics

Toplinska svojstva specifično uređenih sustava

MZT (0035013)
01.01.2002. - 31.12.2006.
Leader: Ana Smontara
Associates: Igor Smiljanić, Neven Barišić, Željko Bihar
Research areas: Solid state physics

Understanding the role of phonons in novel electronic and magnetic material

NSF projekt: Collaboration in basic science and engineering (Cobase) – Cobase project development̨& initiation visits
01.01.2000. - 31.12.2001.
Leader: Ana Smontara
Associates: Janice Musfeld, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee), Ante Bilušić, Institut za fiziku, Zagreb
Research areas: Solid state physics

Completed scientific projects - associate

Intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides

HrZZ IP-2020-02-9666
01.01.2021. - 31.01.2025.
Leader: Petar Popčević
Associates: Mirta Herak, Ana Smontara, Naveen Kumar Chogondahalli Muniraju, Gaurav Pransu, Naveen Singh Dhami, Wojciech Jerzy Sas, Ivo Batistić -PMF Zagreb, Laszlo Forro-EPFL Lausanne Švicarska
Research areas: Solid state physics

New electronic states driven by frustration in layered materials

UKF projekt
01.01.2010. - 31.12.2012.
Leader: Eduard Tutiš
Associates: Petar Popčević, Kristijan Velebit, Ana Smontara, Laszlo Forro, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Švicarska i Neven Barišić, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, Njemačka
Research areas: Solid state physics

Kompleksni modulirani sistemi: osnovna stanja i pobuđenja

MZT (00350107)
01.01.1997. - 31.12.2001.
Leader: Katica Biljaković
Associates: Ana Smontara, Damir Starešinić, Ante Bilušić
Research areas: Solid state physics

IF Ⓒ 2017