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Zlatko Kregar
position Higher assistants - postdoc
Zaposlenik instituta do 31.8.2014.



M. Orlić Bachler, M. Bišćan, Z. Kregar, I. Jelovica Badovinac, J. Dobrinić, S. MiloševićAnalysis of antique bronze coins by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and multivariate analysis
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 123, 163–170 (2016)
DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2016.08.010 20160810


D. Meljanac, K. Juraić, M. Plodinec, Z. Siketić, D. Gracin, N. Krstulović, K. Salamon, H. Skenderović, Z. Kregar, I. Šrut Rakić, and S. BernstorffInfluence of RF excitation during pulsed laser deposition in oxygen atmosphere on the structural properties and luminescence of nanocrystalline ZnO:Al thin films
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 34, 021514 (10pp) (2016)
DOI: 10.1116/1.4941197 20160204

R. Zaplotnik, M. Bišćan, Z. Kregar, U. Cvelbar, M. Mozetič, and S. MiloševićInfluence of a sample surface on single electrode atmospheric plasma jet parameters
Spectroc. Acta Pt. B-Atom. Spectr. 103-104, 124-130 (2015)
DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2014.12.004 20150104

M. Bišćan, Z. Kregar, N. Krstulović, and S. MiloševićSpectroscopic characterization of laser-produced GaAs plasma in helium and argon background gases
Opt. Commun. 315, 37-41 (2014)
DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2013.10.071 20141106

Z. Kregar, R. Zaplotnik, M. Mozetič, and S. MiloševićComparison of spatial distributions of atomic oxygen and hydrogen in ICP by means of catalytic probes and actinometry
Vacuum 109, 8-14 (2014)
DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2014.06.010 20140621

S. Ercegović Ražić, Z. Kregar, S. Milošević and J. PeranOptimising of inductively coupled rf oxygen plasma for hydrophilicity improvement of cellulose based materials
in 7th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference - Magic World of Textiles : book of proceedings (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology, Zagreb, 2014), pp 357-362

R. Zaplotnik, Z. Kregar, M. Bišćan, A. Vesel, U. Cvelbar, M. Mozetič, and S. MiloševićMultiple vs. single harmonics AC-driven atmospheric plasma jet
EPL 106, 25001 (6pp) (2014)
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/106/25001 20140506

M. Orlić, Z. Kregar, M. Bišćan, S. Milošević, and J. DobrinićAnalysis of ancient metal coin using different experimental techniques and methods of multivariate analysis
in SGEM Conference on antropology, archaeology, history and philosophy : conference proceedings (SGEM, Sofia, 2014), pp. 315-322

N. Krstulović and Z. Kregar, editorsProgram i knjiga sažetaka = Programme and book of abstracts
(Hrvatsko Vakuumsko Društvo = Croatian Vacuum Society, Zagreb, 2014)
Download publication

M. Rakić, M. Bišćan, Z. KregarOptical spectrometer
patentna prijava PCT/HR2014/000029, 2014

P. Dubček, B. Pivac, S. Milošević, N. Krstulović, Z. Kregar, and S. BernstorffTexture of GaAs nanoparticles deposited by pulsed laser ablation in different atmospheres
ISRN Nanomaterials 2013, Article ID 576506 (13pp) (2013)
DOI: 10.1155/2013/576506 20130813

Z. KregarProstorno i vremenski razlučiva spektroskopska karakterizacija niskotlačnih hladnih plazmi
Institut za fiziku, 2013

Completed scientific projects - associate

Laser-Cold plasma Interaction and Diagnostics

HrZZ - IP-2013-11-2753
01.06.2014. - 31.05.2018.
Leader: Slobodan Milošević
Associates: Nikša Krstulović, Marijan Bišćan, Robert Beuc, Vlasta Horvatić, Mladen Movre, Dean Popović, Zlatko Kregar, Čedomil Vadla, Damjan Blažeka, Damir Veža
Research areas: Plasma physics

EPPUR si Muove

01.01.2014. - 31.12.2014.
Leader: Berti Erjavec
Associates: Đuro Drobac, Silvije Vdović, Petar Popčević, Marijan Bišćan, Zlatko Kregar, Nazif Demoli, Željko Marohnić, Danijel Grgičin, Ivica Aviani, Ivica Živković, Marko Kralj, Domagoj Kos, Bernarda Mlinarić*, Ines Dukić*,*XV Gimnazija, Zagreb

Fizika na dar

MZOS – Popularizacija znanosti
01.01.2013. - 31.12.2013.
Leader: Berti Erjavec
Associates: Ivica Aviani, Đuro Drobac, Zlatko Kregar, Nazif Demoli, Željko Marohnić, Marko Kralj, Ognjen Milat, Danijel Grgičin, Slobodan Milošević, Bernarda Mlinarić*, Ines Dukuć*, *XV. Gimnazija, Zagreb

Night of the Lab Out 2013

01.01.2013. - 31.12.2013.
Leader: Berti Erjavec
Associates: Tomislav Vuletić, Petar Pervan, Marko Kralj, Iva Šrut Rakić, Ida Delač, Danijel Grgičin, Ticijana Ban, Damir Aumiler, Silvije Vdović, Zlatko Kregar, Marijan Bišćan, Matija Čulo, Goran Gatalica, D. Kos

IF Ⓒ 2017