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Scientific project



HrZZ UIP-2019-04-2154


Pressure- and Temperature-driven Phase transitions in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (PaT PiSCES)

project leader

Yuki Utsumi Boucher

associatesNaveen Singh Dhami
start date01.01.2020.
end date31.12.2024.
total ammount1.981.210,00 Kn
research areasSolid state physics



Strong electron correlations have been a central issue in condensed matter physics and been the cause of various electronic phenomena, such as the Mott transition, unconventional superconductivity, charge/spin ordering, magnetic phase transition, and heavy fermion behavior. In such systems, complex phenomena are arising from coupled lattice, orbital, charge and spin degrees of freedom. To understand the mechanism of phase transitions and to control the properties, it is necessary to tackle the problems with complementary experimental techniques studying both atomic and electronic structures. Pressure is a clean method to control physical properties of material without inducing inhomogeneity or disorder. The main objective of the project is to develop high-pressure DAC for transport measurement at the Institute of Physics, and apply the technique to explore novel phenomena on strongly correlated systems under extreme conditions. Especially, the pressure and temperature induced phase transitions in the strongly correlated electron systems, such as transition metal chalcogenides and rare-earth compounds, are the main research targets of the project. The mechanism of phase transitions will be studied from atomic and electronic point of views in combination with complemental experimental technique, e.g., x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray diffractions.



Yuki Utsumi Boucher, Izabela Biało, Mateusz A. Gala, Wojciech Tabiś, Marcin Rosmus, Natalia Olszowska, Jacek J. Kolodziej, Bruno Gudac, Mario Novak, Naveen Kumar Chogondahalli Muniraju, Ivo Batistić, Neven Barišić, Petar Popčević, and Eduard TutišIntercalation-induced states at the Fermi level and the coupling of intercalated magnetic ions to conducting layers in Ni 1 / 3 NbS 2
Physical Review B 109, 085135 (2024).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.085135 20240223


Naveen Singh Dhami, Victor Balédent, Oleksandr Bednarchuk, Dariusz Kaczorowski, Sean R. Shieh, James M. Ablett, Jean-Pascal Rueff, J. P. Itié, C.M.N Kumar and Yuki UtsumiPressure evolution of electronic and crystal structure of noncentrosymmetric EuCoGe3
Phys. Rev. B 107, 155119 (2023)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.155119 20230410

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