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Scientific project


Emerging Universalities in Systems with Strong Interactions (UniSyS)

project leader

Ivan Balog

associatesOsor Slaven Barišić
Vito Despoja
Antonio Šiber
Juraj Krsnik
Lucija Nora Farkaš
Eduard Tutiš
dr. sc. Zoran Rukelj (Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet
Sveučilište u Zagrebu)
prof. Gilles Tarjus (CNRS/Sorbonne Université
dr. Adam Rancon (Université de Lille
start date15.01.2025.
end date14.01.2028.
total ammount197.805,00 EUR
research areasStatistical physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Theoretical Physics



The project “Emerging Universalities in Systems with Strong Interactions” investigates universal behaviors across various systems, focusing on strongly interacting systems, disordered systems, and quantum phase transitions. Universality is a fundamental property of physical systems, enabling an understanding of complex phenomena in seemingly unrelated domains such as statistical and solid-state physics, biophysics, and material science.

The project combines two complementary theoretical approaches: the Nonperturbative Functional Renormalization Group (NPFRG) and Density Functional Theory (DFT). While NPFRG facilitates the description of long-wavelength effective degrees of freedom and macroscopic models, DFT provides detailed insights into the microscopic properties of systems. The synergy of these methods offers novel perspectives on phase transitions and universality classes of behavior.

The goals of the project include the development of advanced NPFRG techniques to model configuration probabilities and the study of phase transitions dominated by rare events. Special emphasis is placed on quantum systems such as disordered bosons, where results will enhance the understanding of experiments with cold atoms. Additionally, the project explores the collapse of biological systems such as pollen grains, bridging theoretical physics with biological applications.

Expected outcomes include a deeper understanding of critical behaviors, phase transitions, and complex quantum states, as well as contributions to the development of interdisciplinary connections between condensed matter physics, biophysics, and statistical physics. Alongside scientific achievements, the project will foster international collaboration with institutions in France and provide opportunities for the education and training of young researchers.


IF Ⓒ 2017