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Naveen Kumar Chogondahalli Muniraju
radno mjesto Viši asistent - poslijedoktorand — Mentor: Dr.sc. Petar Popčević
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N. S. Dhami, V. Balédent, I. Batistić, O. Bednarchuk, D. Kaczorowski, J. P. Itié, S. R. Shieh, C. M. N. Kumar, and Y. UtsumiSynchrotron x-ray diffraction and DFT study of non-centrosymmetric EuRhGe3 under high pressure
High Pressure Research, 1–12. (2024)
DOI: 10.1080/08957959.2024.2396298 20240904


Yuki Utsumi Boucher, Izabela Biało, Mateusz A. Gala, Wojciech Tabiś, Marcin Rosmus, Natalia Olszowska, Jacek J. Kolodziej, Bruno Gudac, Mario Novak, Naveen Kumar Chogondahalli Muniraju, Ivo Batistić, Neven Barišić, Petar Popčević, and Eduard TutišIntercalation-induced states at the Fermi level and the coupling of intercalated magnetic ions to conducting layers in Ni 1 / 3 NbS 2
Physical Review B 109, 085135 (2024).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.085135 20240223


C. M. N. Kumar, A. Akrap, C. C. Homes, E. Martino, B. Klebel-Knobloch, W. Tabis, O. S. Barišić, D. K. Sunko, N. BarišićCharacterization of two electronic subsystems in cuprates through optical conductivity
Phys. Rev. B 107, 144515 (2023)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.144515 20230427


Naveen Singh Dhami, Victor Balédent, Oleksandr Bednarchuk, Dariusz Kaczorowski, Sean R. Shieh, James M. Ablett, Jean-Pascal Rueff, J. P. Itié, C.M.N Kumar and Yuki UtsumiPressure evolution of electronic and crystal structure of noncentrosymmetric EuCoGe3
Phys. Rev. B 107, 155119 (2023)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.155119 20230410


Mandujano, HC; Tafere, MS; Muniraju, NKC; Creason, TD; McWhorter, TM; Gofryk, K; Heitmann, TW; Zhang, Q; Saparov, B; Nair, HSMagnetic structures and excitations in sawtooth olivine chalcogenides Mn2SiX4 (X = S, Se)
Dalton Trans.,52, 5652-5662 (2023)
DOI: 10.1039/D3DT00052D 20230321


Mandujano, HC; Metta, A; Barisic, N; Zhang, Q; Tabis, W; Muniraju, NKC; Nair, HSSawtooth lattice multiferroic BeCr2⁢O4: Noncollinear magnetic structure and multiple magnetic transitions
Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 024422 (2023)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.024422 20230228

Završeni znanstveni projekti - suradnik

Interkalirani dihalkogenidi prijelaznih metala

HrZZ IP-2020-02-9666
01.01.2021. - 31.01.2025.
Voditelj: Petar Popčević
Suradnici: Mirta Herak, Ana Smontara, Naveen Kumar Chogondahalli Muniraju, Gaurav Pransu, Naveen Singh Dhami, Wojciech Jerzy Sas, Ivo Batistić -PMF Zagreb, Laszlo Forro-EPFL Lausanne Švicarska
Područja istraživanja: Fizika čvrstog stanja

IF Ⓒ 2017