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Ivan Balog
radno mjesto Viši znanstveni suradnik
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broj ureda III - 030
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baze birb.irb.hr
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Ostali znanstveni projekti

QuantiXLie - Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za kvantne i kompleksne sustave te reprezentacije Lievih algebri

01.11.2017. - 01.11.2022.
Voditelj: Hrvoje Buljan
Suradnici: Osor Slaven Barišić, Ivan Balog, Vito Despoja, Salvatore Marco Giampaola (IRB), Fabio Franchini (IRB), Kosuke Nomura (PMF ZG), Vinko Zlatić (IRB), Davor Horvatić (PMF), Dario Jukić (GF ZG), Karlo Lelas (TTF ZG), Robert Pezer( MF SI), Marko Cvitaš (IRB), Goranka Bilalbegović (PMF ZG), Marinko Jablan (PMF ZG), Danko Radić (PMF ZG), Krešimir Kumerički (PMF ZG), Tomislav Marketin (PMF ZG), Tamara Nikšić (PMF ZG), Nils Paar (PMF ZG), Nenad Pavin (PMF ZG),Dario Vretenar (PMF ZG), Hrvoje Buljan (PMF ZG)
Područja istraživanja: Fizika čvrstog stanja, Statistička fizika, Biološka fizika



Lucija Nora Farkaš, Gilles Tarjus, and Ivan BalogApproach to the lower critical dimension of the φ4 theory in the derivative expansion of the functional renormalization group
Phys. Rev. E 108, 054107 (2023)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.108.054107 20231106


I. Balog, A. Rançon, and B. DelamotteCritical Probability Distributions of the Order Parameter from the Functional Renormalization Group
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 210602 (2022)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.210602 © 2022 American Physical Society 20221116


Ivan Balog, Gilles Tarjus, and Matthieu TissierDimensional reduction breakdown and correction to scaling in the random-field Ising model
Phys. Rev. E 102, 062154 (2020)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.062154 20201231


Ivan Balog, Gonzalo De Polsi, Matthieu Tissier, and Nicolás WscheborConformal invariance in the nonperturbative renormalization group: A rationale for choosing the regulator
Phys. Rev. E 101, 062146 (2020).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.062146 20200629


Gonzalo De Polsi, Ivan Balog, Matthieu Tissier, and Nicolás Wschebor"Precision calculation of critical exponents in the O(N) universality classes with the nonperturbative renormalization group
Phys. Rev. E 101, 042113 (2020)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.042113 20200414


Ivan Balog, Hugues Chaté, Bertrand Delamotte, Maroje Marohnić, and Nicolás WscheborConvergence of Nonperturbative Approximations to the Renormalization Group
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 240604 (2019).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.240604 20191213


Ivan Balog, Gilles Tarjus, and Matthieu TissierBenchmarking the nonperturbative functional renormalization group approach on the random elastic manifold model in and out of equilibrium
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 103301 (2019).
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/ab3da5 20191022


A. Rançon, I. BalogOn the effective action in presence of local non- linear constraints
J. Stat. Mech. (2019) 033215
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/ab0c12 20190326


Ivan Balog, David Carpentier and Andrei A FedorenkoDisorder-Driven Quantum Transition in Relativistic Semimetals: Functional Renormalization via the Porous Medium Equation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 166403 (2018).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.166402 20181019


Ivan Balog, Gilles Tarjus, and Matthieu TissierCriticality of the random field Ising model in and out of equilibrium: A nonperturbative functional renormalization group description
Phys. Rev. B 97, 094204 (21pp) (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.094204 20180315


O. S. Barišić, J. Kokalj, I. Balog, P. PrelovšekDynamical conductivity and its fluctuations along the crossover to many-body localization
Phys. Rev. B 94 (4), 045126 (2016)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.045126 20160719

I. Balog and G. TarjusActivated dynamic scaling in the random-field Ising model: A nonperturbative functional renormalization group approach
Phys. Rev. B 91, 214201 (8pp) (2015)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.214201 20150603

I. Balog, M. Tissier, and G. TarjusSame universality class for the critical behavior in and out of equilibrium in a quenched random field
Phys. Rev. B 89 (10), 104201 (10pp) (2014)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.104201 20150307

I. Balog, G. Tarjus, and M. TissierCritical behaviour of the random-field Ising model with long-range interactions in one dimension
J. Stat. Mech-Theory E. 10, P10017 (21pp) (2014)
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2014/10/P10017 20141009

M. Baczyk, G. Tarjus, M. Tissier, and I. BalogFixed points and their stability in the functional renormalization group of random field models
J. Stat. Mech-Theory E. 6, P06010 (20pp) (2014)
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2014/06/P06010 20140611

G. Tarjus, I. Balog, and M. TissierCritical scaling in random-field systems: 2 or 3 independent exponents?
EPL 103 (6), 61001 (6pp) (2013)
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/103/61001 20131017

Završeni znanstveni projekti - suradnik

Multiscale Modelling For Fusion and Fission Materials

European Commission | Horizon 2020
01.09.2017. - 31.08.2021.
Voditelj: Mladen Prester
Suradnici: Đuro Drobac, Ivan Balog, Nikolina Novosel
Područja istraživanja: Fizika čvrstog stanja

Fizika mnogočestičnih sustava - iskorištavanje svijeta kompleksnosti

HrZZ IP-2016-06-7258
01.03.2017. - 01.03.2021.
Voditelj: Osor Slaven Barišić
Suradnici: Katarina Uzelac, Ivan Balog, Eduard Tutiš, Yuki Utsumi Boucher, Juraj Krsnik, Naveen Singh Dhami, Sudhakar Pandey, Zvonko Glumac (Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku; Odjel za fiziku), Lucija Nora Farkaš (Sveučilište u Zagrebu; PMF)
Područja istraživanja: Fizika čvrstog stanja, Statistička fizika

Teorija kritičnih pojava i modeliranje u sustavima mnoštvačestica

MZT (0035007)
01.01.2002. - 31.12.2006.
Voditelj: Katarina Uzelac
Suradnici: Eduard Tutiš, Osor Slaven Barišić, Ivan Balog, Juraj Szavits Nossan, Zvonko Glumac, Ivo Batistić, Krešimir Šaub
Područja istraživanja: Statistička fizika

IF Ⓒ 2017