Meeting on IoPZg Strategy

Friday, June 16, 2023, 10 AM, IoPZg, First wing, First floor,
10:15 – 12:00 12:30-14:00 (tentative)

Sastanak o strategiji IF-a
Petak, 15. lipnja 2023. 10h, IF, prvo krilo, 1. kat ,
10:15 – 12:00 12:30-14:00 (tentativno)

Croatian and English will be used interchangeably at the meeting to let the speakers express their thoughts and messages in the way most convenient for them. Please assist the colleague next to you with the translation if/when necessary.

The goal of the meeting

In current parlance, the goal of the meeting is to provide the elements for the “human prompt engineering” for IoPZg, i.e. its Strategy. Where questions and hints may often be more useful than pre-set wisdom. It is also to feel being in this together, in every positive and pleasant way.

The format of the meeting

The meeting is to be held as a sequence of discussions and talks/presentations as units. Each unit is aimed to last from 10 to 15 minutes, the flexibility being the order of the day. The big groups can get some extra time. The talks/presentations can be regarded as interludes between discussion units or vice versa. The meeting will be mediated by the leader of the IF’s ad hoc strategy group (listed below).

The refreshments with some food are planned in the pause.

The talks/presentations, to be held by group leaders or group representatives (8 groups), are aimed at stating some or all of the following:
(a) the elements of plans regarding research and group functioning ; (b) the group’s favorite answers to 6 questions posed and discussed over the last two months, (c) other factors of a general significance related to researchers’ life at IoPZg. The talks/presentations can but do not need to be computer-assisted. Short questions and comments will be possible after the talk/presentation.

Each “discussion unit” will take one separate question or subject from the pool (see below) to be chosen by the mediator in real time. Each such unit will start with a short intro, with contributions to follow from all the participants.

E. Tutis

The pool of questions

Original 6 questions:

  1. Which research subjects or mechanisms can link various research groups at IoPZg in the future? In which domain may the Institute produce a wider impact in the future? Where/how do we reach our strongest/leading potential?
  2. What may be identified as an “unfair/special advantage” of IoPZg with respect to other similarly-directed institutions in the surrounding or elsewhere?
  3. Which positive experiences of yours would you like to see being practiced on a wider scale at IoPZg?
  4. What do your regard as the biggest long-term (5-10 years) chance for your research group?
  5. Which (constant, repetitive, small) practices do you regard as potentially beneficial for IoPZg functioning at the moment and for the future?
  6. Which question would you like to see being posed here?

Additional (sometimes just more specific) questions that were raised in the contact with the groups:

  • Where the objects of your research (research samples) do come from?
    How do these serve as links to other research groups at IoPZg or elsewhere? To which extent may you rely on this source of your objects of research in the long term?
  • What do you consider the most influential positive factors for your research quality in recent years or in general?
  • From where do you get the scientific information relevant to your work (mobility, literature, private contacts, conferences)? What would you recommend to others in this respect?
  • How do you handle the lack of equipment or knowledge of something related to your work?
  • How do you value the importance of teaching to your present and future research life and the life of the group?
  • What is the most urgent need that you plan to fulfill regarding the group’s research practice? Which practices the group wants to establish in the next period? What are the most important priorities of your group?
  • Where does your group expect to get the research money from in the next period?
  • Which local and international collaborations affect most your group’s research life? What are your recommendations?
  • How we do/did produce research with the leading role of the local authors/group?  
  • What question, without answers, would you like to plant into the minds of IoPZg strategy makers, hopefully leading to positive outcomes in the future?
  • +other questions raised at the meeting can be chosen by the mediator to be discussed further on the spot.
  • +other questions not listed above may pop up if the moderator finds it convenient.

The IoPZg strategy group
E. Tutiš (leader)
D. Aumiler
M. Kralj
D. Starešinić

Research equipment and methods at the Institute of Physics, Zagreb

Meeting with presentations, Institute of Physics, Zagreb,
1st Wing, Lecture room,
Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 10 AM


(click on the presenter’s name for the PDF of the presentation.)

10:00 Introduction

10:10 Part 1. (70min)
             D. Starešinić, ppt (30)
             E. Tutiš , ppt (10)
         CALT (part 1)
              M. Kralj, ppt (30)

11:20 Pause (10min)

11:40 Part 2. (70 min)
          CALT (continuation)
                 T. Ban, ppt (20)
                 N. Krstulović, ppt (20)
                 S. Vdović, ppt (15)
                 G. Zgrablić, ppt (15)
12:50 Discussion and Closing
13:05 End

The meeting is organized by the IoPZg strategy workgroup, as a step to brief the members of the Institute about the current status of research equipment and methods at the Institute, significantly redefined by the completion of the recent infrastructural projects. The presentations may remain on Institute’s webspace for further reference, to get updated as times demand.

Each presentation is to be followed by a short Q&A period. The inspired discussion, if widely embraced, may get extra time. Further discussions are to be led before the pause and toward the end of the meeting.

For convenience, the theory group website temporarily hosts the page of the meeting. Later on, the materials will be transferred to a suitable place within the IF’s internal network.